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여행 이벤트 프로모션 free PSD

by 디자인버스 2024. 4. 17.

여행 프로모션을 위한 이벤트 페이지 PSD 무료다운로드 안내

여행 이슈 키워드는?! '동남아 여행지 인기순위'
여기에 푸켓이 빠질 수 없겠죠??
질릴 때까지 쉬고 돌아오는 리프레쉬 여행이 가능한 곳,
다양한 타입의 풀빌라를 한번에 만날 수 있는 곳, '알린타 푸켓’을 만나세요~ ^0^

 '베트남 관광', '베트남 여행' 등 관광 관련 키워드는 구글 트렌드에서 급격히 늘어났다. 베트남 관광 정보를 찾는 사람들은 주로 미국, 싱가포르, 필리핀, 호주, 인도, 영국, 캐나다 사람들이었다.

이밖에 ‘관광 비자 베트남’, ‘베트남 여행 보험’ 등 여행 제반 준비 키워드는 물론 '베트남 사이공 관광', '호찌민시 관광', '짱안', '하롱빈펄', '냐짱' 등의 키워드도 구글에서 자주 검색됐다.

야놀자와 인터파크트리플이 보유한 국내 최대 여행·여가 빅데이터를 분석한 결과, 6가지 키워드를 핵심 트렌드는 ▲여행 심리 회복 가속화(Ditto-Want to Travel) ▲여행지의 다양화(Region-Wide Travel) ▲트래블 테크의 발전(AI Innovation for Travel) ▲ 문화생활 니즈 확대(Gleeful Lifestyle) ▲여행 준비 간편화(One-Stop Travel) ▲여행 커뮤니티 활성화(Networking) 등을 꼽았다.

힐링 여행

내년에는 힘들고 지친 일상을 벗어나 회복과 재충전을 위한 힐링 여행이 늘어날 것으로 보인다. 한국인 여행객 10명 중 7명(70%)은 내년 휴가에서 방해받지 않고 온전히 수면에만 집중하고 싶다고 답했다. 눈여겨볼 점은 이렇게 대답한 비율이 높은 상위 국가가 중국(83%), 홍콩(76%), 태국(75%), 한국(70%) 순으로, 모두 아시아 국가였다는 것이다. 상대적으로 스트레스 지수가 높은 아시아 국가 중심으로 수면 여행에 대한 수요가 높은 것으로 예측된다.




Free PSD | Travel Package Business Flyer PSD | PSDFreebies.com

Introducing our amazing Travel Package Business Flyer PSD, available for free download! This flyer is perfect for promoting your tour operator or travel business. It’s designed specifically for showcasing different offerings such as day tours, tour packa




With its user-friendly features, you can easily customize the flyer using Adobe Photoshop. Simply replace the images and edit the content to suit your needs. The flyer comes in a standard A4 size and has a high resolution of 300 dpi, ensuring excellent print quality. It’s ready to be printed and distributed to your target audience.

This Travel Package Business Flyer PSD is available for Free Download.

Hope you like it. Enjoy!

Note : Images is for preview purpose only

Downloaded : 442 Times



Free PSD | Travel Package Business Flyer PSD | PSDFreebies.com

Introducing our amazing Travel Package Business Flyer PSD, available for free download! This flyer is perfect for promoting your tour operator or travel business. It’s designed specifically for showcasing different offerings such as day tours, tour packa





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